Why Dive Raja Ampat With Us?
best photo video dive trips
about raja ampat trips Limited Participation Dive Trips (12 guests) at the same price per person as a full boat (16). By limiting the number of divers, more diving is possible; the dive deck and dive site is less crowded. We do this by selling direct and not paying commission to agents or discount websites.
about raja ampat trips Experienced Trip Organizer to plan & supervise your trip - 10 years experience in Raja Ampat + over 1500 dives in the area + underwater photography and video to prove it. Unlike travel agents, we are there with you to plan the itinerary and each day's dives. Since we've done hundreds of dive on these sites, we have the knowledge to decide what is best for each specific group.
about raja ampat trips Experienced ship - 6 years in Raja Ampat - egonomically designed for diving..
about raja ampat trips Cooperation. We have chartered SMY Ondina for our last 13 dive/photo trips and work together each trip to improve over the previous one. 2009 is the 6th year in a row that we have chartered her.
about raja ampat trips Extra guides and dive guides. We hire local freelance divemasters and guides to insure we have a great crew, above and beyond the liveaboard's regular crew.
about raja ampat trips Unlimited dive time. You will have the freedom to enjoy your trip to the fullest as we never impose arbitrary time or dive limitations. On many days we have an open deck so you can dive when you want.
about raja ampat trips Flexible itinerary. Each trip is planned around the conditions of the moment and the interests of the divers aboard.
about raja ampat trips More Diving - unlike other liveaboard trips, we start diving on arrival day (subject to flight arrival time) and offer diving on the last day of the trip.
about raja ampat trips As a guest photographer you will have the prime photo opportunities. We insure you have the best underwater photo & underwater video ops, not us! (The photos and video on this site are the left-overs from our guests.)
about raja ampat trips Good Groups. Each diver on our trips is interviewed to insure both their dive experience and compatibility with this type of trip and the other divers on the trip. We are aboard and insure that no one with bad behavior will ruin the dive trip for others .
about raja ampat trips Be a Winner! Underwater Photography contest winners in each of years 2004-2008 SMY Ondina Photo contests (free cruise!) were guests on one of our charters.
about raja ampat trips Happy Clients! Read unsolicited comments from divers and underwater photographers on previous trips to the "best diving in Indonesia" with us.
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Tel: (817) 626-0636
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  City Seahorse, Inc.
6387B Camp Bowie Blvd., #308
Fort Worth, Texas 76116
© 1997-2012, Deborah Fugitt, City Seahorse, Inc. All rights reserved. No one, for any reason, is permitted to copy the photos, graphics, video or text on these pages without written permission from City Seahorse, Inc. In the event that an infringement is discovered you will be notified and invoiced the industry standard TRIPLE FEE for unauthorised usage and/or prosecuted for Copyright Infringement in U.S. Federal Court where you will be subject to pay our court costs and attorneys' fees as well as a fine of US$150,000 statutory damages. Write the webmaster for permission or information.