Raja Ampat Islands, Irian Jaya Diving, Irian Diving

Wayag, Raja Ampat Islands, Irian Jaya Indonesia

Enter the Raja Ampat Gallery

The Raja Ampat Islands are only beginning to be 'discovered'.

I have been lucky enough to be one of the first photographers with extensive access to the area. The images in this gallery are from our Sep/Oct 2001 trip and are selected to show typical scenes from that trip. We did not visit any muck dives (by choice, muck is everwhere and R4 has sites that can't be found in other places) and I did not shoot much macro, so the majority of the images are wide angle.

Many of the images have captions. Please enjoy these images.

Deborah Fugitt

The images in this gallery, and many more like them and better are available for advertising and editorial use. Please contact Deb Fugitt at CitySeahorse

© 2001-2013, Deborah Fugitt, City Seahorse, Inc. All rights reserved. No one, for any reason, is permitted to copy the photos, graphics or text on these pages without written permission from City Seahorse, Inc. In the event that an infringement is discovered you will be notified and invoiced the industry standard TRIPLE FEE for unauthorized usage and/or prosecuted for Copyright Infringement in U.S. Federal Court where you will be subject to pay our court costs and attorneys' fees as well as a fine of US$150,000 statutory damages. Write the webmaster for permission or information.